Friday, June 23, 2006

Part 2

Today I want to tell some more things about my friends...
When I accepted for university right after I finished my college, I have a lot of friends. And I Love them alot ....
But in 2 or 3 monthes I find out that I had some problems with my choosing of my friends. Some of them Leave me and went on their ways some others .....Oh Let me don't tell more but I was really Depressed. Because I have a lot of friends, after 1 or 2 monthes .....
for these reasons I found myself really alone and I found an other thing... I found my real Friends. Now I try to save these friends.... and another thing that I found out was this.. I have to Examine my friends before I choose them.and I do it for my friends in the university.I examine one of my friends in the High school and he is one of those that did not forgotten me :D.

Let me tell some more about myself..
I love my Ground mothers and my grandfather ( my mother's father). you know they are the ones that I really Love them after my father and my mother. My father's mother is really good and I see her every day. I make her laugh and tell her jokes. My mother's mother is really good too but I didn't see her everyday but every time I see her I really found out What She Do For Us...and I want to really hug her....
I put my head on the leg of my grandmothers and I feel like a chid ;)) and I remember my childhood.
I really Love my childhood But I am sure it is in my heart and in my mind for ever...

In my fother's family an other person that I really Love him is my father's Uncle.He lives in an other country and some times he comes to Iran and I really glad and really pleased when see him. when he came to Iran and I see him for the first time he couldn't speak pesian well but after some time his speaking and her persian language cames back .We are really friends and I Love him. We speak with each other about everythings. One of the best thing that he said was this :
" It is the mind is on the body is not the body on the mind "
Well the picture is from winter.I Love all 4 seasons...This picture is not from Iran...
Goodbye :-h


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